
Editorial Staff 2017-19:

Morgan Call, Jeannette Fuhriman, Dustin Hemsath, Jeremy Ingersoll,

Cai Olsen, Anthony Pearce, Megan Pryor, Karisa Shiraki, Calvin Westfall

Editorial Staff 2016-17:

Editor-in-Chief: Faith Blackhurst

Faith is from Woodstock, Georgia and graduated from BYU in April 2017 with a B.A. in Spanish Translation along with minors in editing and Portuguese. Faith is currently pursuing an M.A. in Hispanic Literature at BYU and hopes to eventually become a university professor of comparative Hispanic and Brazilian literature.

Assistant Editor: Rebecca Timmons

Rebecca is an undergraduate student editor studying English Language and editing. She spent 18 months in Ecuador and loves the Hispanic culture and cuisine, especially a typical Ecuadorian side dish called patacones. Rebecca is also an editorial assistant for the Division of Continuing Education and edits online course material for long distance learning.

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Mac J. Wilson

 Dr. Wilson is an Associate Professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at Brigham Young University. He specializes in ecopoetry and visual culture of Latin America with a special emphasis on the Southern Cone region. A former professional arborist, Dr. Wilson enjoys working outside and pursuing his hobby as an amateur photographer.

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