Entremundos: Volume 1

Cover – “El mundo reflejado” by Mac J. Wilson

Front Matter

“Editor’s note” by Faith Blackhurst 

Guest Contribution: “Some Lessons I’ve Learned” by Dr. Frederick Granger Williams


Scholarly Essays

EntremundosLogo (1)  Winner of the Orlando Alba Prize for best linguistics essay: “Tener: ¿Lo tenemos entendido?” by Tanner Linton

EntremundosLogo (1)  Winner of the Alan Meredith Prize for best pedagogy essay: Experiences of University Students in Online Exchanges with Native Spanish Speakers” by Dan Bates

EntremundosLogo (1)  Winner of the Gonzalo Rojas Prize for best literary essay: “Swaying Between Continents: The Role of Winds and Waves in the Formation of Brazilian Identity” by Andy Nelson



“Adverbial Adjectives” by Lauren Truman



“What Motivates People to Learn Multiple Languages? A Narrative Study of One Multilingual Speaker” by Michelle Anderson


Literary Analysis

“Dios en la tierra” by Faith Blackhurst

“A experiência da narrativa interativa de Machado de Assis” by Dania Ellingson

“A escrita da alma de Sofia em Quincas Borba” by Gabriela Oliveira

“El desdoblamiento de los autores masculinos y femeninos del Siglo de Oro” by Scott Raines

“Las mudas con plumas” by Karisa Shiraki



“Paulista Exceptionalism and the Struggle for Confederacy” by Addison Blair

“Punkeros Para Siempre: Explaining the Cultural Intersections of Punk Rock and Chicanos” by Tyler Scott

“Hybridity in Brazilian Modernist Anita Malfatti” by Michelle Turner


 Creative Works

EntremundosLogo (1) Winner of  the Entremundos Prize for best creative work: “La gran muralla” by Jonny Stallings {artist statement}



“A mi abuela, Norma” by Kempton Cox

“Al poeta que serás” by José Roberto Morales

“Copo vazío” by Todd Workman

“Nostalgia” by Todd Workman


Poetry Translations

“The Swallow (La golondrina)” by Narciso Serradell Sevilla; translated by Christine Eck

“Lightbringer Lost/Brilhador Perdido written and translated by Christine Eck

“The Atheist Prayer (La oración del ateo)” by Miguel de Unamuno; translated by Cole Morgan



“A Moment Like This” by Alayna Een

“La cabaña resonante” by Sterling Jones

“La pesca peligrosa” by Tymon Scott

“La noche que vimos a D10S” by Calvin Westfall



“Entremundos” by David Cotton {artist statement}

“La bestia” by Jagger Moore {artist statement}


 Photographic Essay

“Iberian Blonde” by Calvin Westfall



– Authenticity by Emily Sue Leavitt {Artist Statementimage only}

– Past, Present, Futurby Emily Sue Leavitt {Artist Statementimage only}

– Meditations on Dalí’s Meditative Rose by Courtney Noorda {Artist Statementimage only}

– El aro by Steven Stallings {Artist Statementimage only}




Back cover – “Mi amor llega más lejos” by Mac J. Wilson


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